Author: Captain Mark

For the non-trailering crowd, most boats go in the water at the beginning of the season and come out at the end. That’s lots of time for growth to occur, adding weight and drag to your boat. Just because there’s anti-fouling paint on the bottom doesn’t mean a good cleaning […]
I used to hate provisioning plastic water bottles. The cases are heavy, the packaging is wasteful, it was an every 3rd week chore to get them from Costco (a place I appreciate but don’t necessarily enjoy visiting), and they take up precious storage space. On a boat, it’s imperative to have […]
There’s no way to spin it: when a boat breaks down, and it will, it ruins the day. Most breakdowns, however, are usually due to consumable parts failing as opposed to a severe malfunction in the engine itself. Because boats can break down in areas with limited access (i.e. the […]
Even the most experienced captains will have an anchor drag on them every once in a while. It’s easy to fix a dragging anchor; although fixing it after you’ve slid into boat or breakwater is a bit more frustrating. One of my favorite hacks to monitor the anchor hold is […]
Admittedly I’m a little OCD, but over the years I’ve narrowed down a few pre-cruise chores that are much better carried out by me rather than leaving them to guests. These are, of course, in addition to the standard pre-cruise safety checks (lights, fluid levels, etc.). Here we go: 1) […]