Make Your Captain Love You — What Guests Can Do To Keep a Boat Ship-Shape During a Cruise

Most of us Captains are self-sufficient. We get that it’s our responsibility to maintain the vessel, and rarely do we invite guests with the expectation that they’ll show up and change the oil (or something like that).

But while on a cruise, there are a few things guests can do that could make the Captain fall in love with them.

Go Easy on Seating – Boat seating is usually some kind of vinyl that gets stitched together. Seams can break, tears can happen, and the truth is, repairing upholstery is not easy and the remedy is almost always visible. Help a Captain out by not standing on cushions, stressing out seams, or keeping sharp objects away from vulnerable vinyl. (Although you really shouldn’t have exposed sharp objects on a boat anyway.)

Collect Empty Cans and Bottles – If a can of soda is empty, crumble it and place into the recycling bin. Used the last drop of vodka, did ya? Ask the captain where empty bottles belong. When there are fewer loose items on a boat, that reduces the chance for accidental overboard litter, or something that can fall and shatter on the boat’s floor. It’s also one less thing the Captain needs to do when the boat returns to shore.

Keep Your Belongings Together – Show up with a bag, and keep the bulk of your things in there (you don’t need your wallet or car keys on your person). Get your phone out, and then try to keep items you’re not using in a single spot. A boat that has fewer obstacles is a safer boat.


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