July 17, 2019
A Place For Everything; Everything in its Place
I grew up with parents whose approach to child rearing would probably be considered abusive by today’s standards, but I’m rather thankful for this because under that regime it was a requirement to clean up after myself, so as a result I’ve become quite adept at maximizing the storage space...Read More
June 11, 2019
Thoughts on Motion Sickness
It’s common to for people to get sick due to motion. It seems there are two real root causes: anxiety and being hungover.For the hungover crowd, they should either (1) stay on the shore and watch Judge Judy from their bed or (2) tough it out. Push them to drink...Read More
June 10, 2019
The Deckhand Cheat Sheet
The most intense moments on a boat don’t necessarily occur on water, rather it’s the return to land when things can go wrong. Learn two knots: the clove hitch and the cleat hitch. You use the clove hitch for tying lines *around* things, such has hanging a fender off of the boat’s railing, and...Read More
Any regular boater finds it normal to have the floor constantly moving beneath them, so it can be frustrating when some guests fail to recognize this reality of being on the water. If you really want more of those Instagram moments that meet the #imonaboat hashtag requirements, follow these tips...Read More
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