Boat U.S. is a great organization that does a lot for boating in the States and around the world. They recently published this article on boating etiquette that I felt was worth sharing. It’s a great read to better understand how wakes impact all watercraft differently (yes, power and sail). […]
There’s no way to spin it: when a boat breaks down, and it will, it ruins the day. Most breakdowns, however, are usually due to consumable parts failing as opposed to a severe malfunction in the engine itself. Because boats can break down in areas with limited access (i.e. the […]
I’m always intrigued how the maritime community is intrinsically helpful without even trying. In my experience, humans are not like this on land, and even when a good deed is done, it’s usually considered a rare act or often described with, “that still gives me faith in humanity.” Seriously? Returning […]
Most of us Captains are self-sufficient. We get that it’s our responsibility to maintain the vessel, and rarely do we invite guests with the expectation that they’ll show up and change the oil (or something like that). But while on a cruise, there are a few things guests can do […]
It’s common to for people to get sick due to motion. It seems there are two real root causes: anxiety and being hungover. For the hungover crowd, they should either (1) stay on the shore and watch Judge Judy from their bed or (2) tough it out. Push them to […]
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